The BNP Paribas Group is committed to delivering the best possible service to you whilemaintaining the confi dence that you place in us.
As part of this, we have adopted strong principles across the Group to ensure the protectionof your data.
As such, we would like to provide you with transparent information about how we place, useand store cookies on your device when you use our website and/or our mobile applicationMyWealth and you present the option to manage and to delete cookies.

1. What is a cookie?
Cookies are small text, image or software fi les that are placed on your device when youaccess our Website and/or use our Application. The word “device”, when used in this CookiesPolicy, refers notably to computers, smartphones, tablets and all other devices used foraccessing the internet.
Cookies may be either: (i) session specifi c, meaning that they are deleted from your deviceonce the session and browser are closed; or (ii) persistent meaning that they will remain onyour device until they are removed.
Cookies perform a number of useful functions, such as to:
* Authenticate and identify you on our Website and/or Application in order to provide youwith services that you have requested;
* Enhance the security of the Website and/or Application, including to prevent fraudulent useof login credentials and protect user data from access by unauthorised parties;
* Monitor your use of our Website and/or Application in order to improve them;

2. What kind of information can be stored in a cookie?
The information stored by the cookies on your device may relate to the following, subject toits retention period:
* the webpages you have visited on that device;
* the type of browser you use;
* session identifi er information.

3. What kinds of cookies do we use and for what purpose?
Cookies used on our Websites and/or Applications are classifi ed into different categories.
3.1 Strictly necessary cookies (mandatory)
These cookies are essential for the Site / Application to function properly. They may include,for example, cookies which collect session ID and authentication data, cookies that make itpossible to personalize the interface of a Site and / or an Application (for example, for thechoice of the language or presentation of a service) or some audience measurement cookies.This category also includes cookies that allow us to comply with our legal obligations,including ensuring a safe online environment (for example by detecting repeated loginfailures in order to prevent unauthorized persons from reaching your account).

3.2 Analytics cookies
These cookies allow us to understand how users arrive on our Site and / or Application, tomeasure the number of visitors to our Site and / or Application, but also to analyze the wayin which visitors browse the Site and/or Application or reconstitute their journey.
This helps us improve the way our Sites and / or Applications work by ensuring, for example,thatuserseasilyfi ndwhattheyarelookingfor.
that users easily fi nd what they are looking for.
These cookies are strictly necessary for the functioning of the Site / Application in accordancewith the article 3.1.

4. In this context, who places the cookies on your device (for example the companies of BNPParibas Group or a partner)?
When you select which types of cookies you allow on your device, the cookies may bedeposited directly by us or by one of our partners.
From a practical point of view, this means that when you authorize the installation of certainso-called “third-party” cookies on your device, our partners will also be able to access theinformation they contain (such as, for example, your browsing statistics when you allowthird-party analysis cookies) within the respect of our data protection Notice and those of ourpartners.

Cookie source


Find out more

List of partner cookies used on the Site

Retention period of the cookies


Anonymous Analytical cookies from Adobe Analytics help us improve our website by collecting and reporting anonymous information on website usage

You can obtain more information about these cookies on the Adobe Analytics website by following this link:


2 years


2 years


2 years


2 years


2 years




Necessary cookie to enable core functionality. Website will not function properly without this cookie

Session Tracking



Session Tracking





1 Year



1 Year